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Why churches should/should not access the Government’s JobKeeper scheme

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Should churches, as not-for-profits, access the Australian Government’s JobKeeper scheme in order to keep staff if their giving decreases during the COVIC-19 shutdown and beyond? That’s a question that I have heard doing the rounds. Is it the right thing to do?  Is it the wrong thing to do? What is at stake if we put out our hands for government money?

First the positives of saying “yes” to the JobKeeper allowance of a flat fortnightly $1500 per employee should a not-for-profit’s income fall by 15 percent.



And now for some negatives (which seem less “material” for obvious reasons!).


So there are some pros and cons.  Not everything has been said, and I am sure you can push back on a whole bunch of it.  But there’s enough there to pray about and talk about. Whatever decision we make I believe that we are not bound either way, and that wisdom is the order of the day.

In light of that, ask for the wisdom that comes from above in making such decisions, for as it says in James, the true abundance we seek is righteousness, not economics.

… the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. (James 3:17-18)



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