June 24, 2024

Exciting News: Flying Solo and a New Website

Some Big Changes

Well it’s been a while in the making, but I’ve got some exciting news. My new website is launched today as I lean into the solo speaking, consultancy and writing role that I have been building this past year. I have created a not-for-profit consultancy, with legal and governance structure that will free and empower me to continue this work into the future.

I have been building this role since late 2023. Part of that role is ongoing consultancy work, while the remainder of it is invitational events such as Professional Development for schools, leadership training in churches and writing work.

While it is not always easy working in this space outside the confines of an organisation, it has been enormously satisfying as I have been able to concentrate on writing and recording around matters of public theology, as well as helping Christian schools and churches navigate the increasingly complex cultural space in the West.

Faithful and Fruitful

My vision is twofold: to see Christian organisations flourish in ways that are both faithful AND fruitful in the West. My work has focussed on how to maintain fidelity to the gospel in the West, and how to maintain fearlessness as Christ’s disciples in a post-Christian era.

By faithful I mean faithful to the gospel – the faith delivered to the apostles by Christ and then handed down over the centuries, and which is revealed in the Bible. There is pressure from the secular age to water down this faithfulness, aligning with the spirit of the age. We cannot move on from the gospel.

By fruitful I mean fruitful in terms of lives changed – both seeing people come to know Jesus for the first time, and also encouraging Christians to live for Jesus joyously in world that increasingly says we should not. And it’s a world that beguiles us with outwardly attractive alternate gospels. Yet even in the face of these alternatives, the true gospel message has the power to save people and transform their lives privately, and shape their lives publicly.

Will You Support Me?

I have been encouraged by those who have signed up to my blog in the past, and also by the trust that people have expressed in both the direction and the messaging of my new venture. My intention is to grow the writing component of my role.

I would love your support financially as I do this. God’s people have been generous to me as I established this new role, and I would love to give you the opportunity to partner with me as I move forward. My donation page here on my new website explains how you can do that. Please prayerfully consider if God would have you support this work that I do.

Keeping In Contact

The new site will also incorporate a weekly MailChimp email update if you wish to sign up for that. It will keep you informed about where I will be speaking, upcoming writing plans, and give you notice about attending events in your location when I am there. And of course if you need information about engaging me for your school, church or para-church organisation, there is a contact form on the new site here.


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There is no guarantee that Jesus will return in our desired timeframe. Yet we have no reason to be anxious, because even if the timeframe is not guaranteed, the outcome is! We don’t have to waste energy being anxious; we can put it to better use.

Stephen McAlpine – futureproof

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