November 14, 2019

Me and my twin, and other media stuff this week

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My twin brother and I were recently interviewed by The Centre for Public Christianity

He’s an atheist.  I am not!  He is an academic.  I am a pastor.  I believe Jesus rose from the dead.  He doesn’t.

I loved this Life and Faith podcast interview because it gave us a chance to talk through some things we hadn’t talked about for a while.  It also blew away some of our long held assumptions about each other.  Sometimes it takes a third person to ask you the probing questions and get the right answers.

Have a listen here  if you like:

I also had a bit of a chat with Sonshine 98.5fm here in Perth yesterday during the station’s annual Radiothon week, about my hopes for our city, what hope looks like, and why Perth, even though it is “heaven-on-a-stick” needs a bigger hope than that.

I have a soft spot for this station, as it was where I first worked as a journalist when I finished my Arts degree. In fact I started the month it went on air, and all sorts of media types in Perth were unsure if it could last.  Well, here it is, more healthy than ever, 31 years later.

The GM, Bevan Jones, is one of my old rivals from the under 14s Baptist Basketball Competition.  He’s still a foot taller than I, and would probably still own me on the court like he did back in the late 1970s.

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You can listen to that one here.

And while we’re speaking about keeping it in the family, a couple of great blog posts doing the rounds this week from two sisters:

The Swirling Loneliness from Yvette Cherry, a great local Perth writer.

And this response, simply entitled Loneliness from Yvette’s sister, Kath Beeck who lives in a very different context in Mozambique.





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There is no guarantee that Jesus will return in our desired timeframe. Yet we have no reason to be anxious, because even if the timeframe is not guaranteed, the outcome is! We don’t have to waste energy being anxious; we can put it to better use.

Stephen McAlpine – futureproof

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